

Verrucas are common foot warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They often appear on the soles of the feet as small, rough growths that may cause pain or discomfort, especially when walking or standing. Treating verrucas involves a combination of hygiene, over-the-counter remedies, and preventive measures.

Start by keeping your feet clean and dry to limit the virus’s spread. Over-the-counter treatments like salicylic acid can help dissolve the verruca when applied regularly. Before using such treatments, soak your foot in warm water to soften the skin, then gently file the verruca with a pumice stone or emery board. Covering the verruca with duct tape is another method believed to encourage healing by stimulating the immune response.

How to treat & prevent Verrucas?

To treat and prevent verrucas, follow these guidelines:

Salicylic Acid Treatments:
  • Apply over-the-counter salicylic acid products (creams, gels, or patches) directly to the verruca. This helps soften the wart and gradually removes the infected tissue. Be consistent with application, usually daily, and follow the instructions carefully.
  • Cryotherapy involves freezing the verruca using liquid nitrogen. This treatment is often done by a healthcare professional and helps destroy the wart tissue.
  • Cover the verruca with duct tape for several days, replacing it regularly. This method may stimulate the immune system to target the virus and help remove the wart.
  • Soak your feet in warm water to soften the verruca, then use a pumice stone or emery board to gently file away the outer layer of the wart. This can help make topical treatments more effective.
  • If over-the-counter methods don’t work, consult a doctor for stronger treatments, such as topical treatments or minor surgery to remove the verruca.
Good Foot Hygiene:
  • Keep your feet clean and dry. Wash them daily and make sure to dry between the toes to prevent the virus from thriving in moist environments.
  • Verrucas are highly contagious, so avoid walking barefoot in places like pools, locker rooms, gyms, or communal showers. Always wear flip-flops or sandals in these areas.
  • Avoid sharing socks, shoes, or towels with others to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.
  • If you have a verruca, cover it with a plaster or bandage to prevent direct contact with others and to avoid spreading the virus to other parts of your body.
  • Since the immune system plays a role in fighting the HPV virus, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can help your body naturally combat verrucas.
By consistently applying these treatments and preventive measures, you can effectively manage verrucas and reduce the likelihood of them spreading or recurring.

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